

New admissions are generally given to the Day Care, KINDERGARTEN, LKG and CLASS I. Admission to UKG and other classes will be given according to the availability of seats. Registration for admission to all classes can be made from first of January.Those who seek admission to class II and above will have to produce Transfer Certificate and Conduct certificate from the School they last studied.A child must be at least 4 years old for admission in LKG, 5 years for UKG, 6 years for Class 1 as on first June in the academic year in which admission is being sought Pupils in the age group of 2½ up to 4 are admitted to the Play School.

In all matters of admission the Principal's decision shall be final


Registration For Admission

Rules & Regulations

Admission Rules

No entrance test for PreKG, LKG, UKG. Separate entrance test will be conducted for the classes 1 to X. There will be a personal interview with the parents for the child’s admission. For fresh admission to PreKG, LKG, UKG and STD-I, A birth certificate issued by a competent authority should be submitted along with the admission form. For admission to PreKG, a child should complete 2 ½ years for LKG 3½to 4½ and for UKG 4½to 5½ respectively.

To Parents
  • Parents are not allowed to visit the classrooms and take out students during the class hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • Parents are advised to approach the Principal with their suggestions and complaints and not the teachers.
  • Parents should not be sent to school wearing gold ornaments. The school does not accept the responsibility for the loss of such valuables.
  • Parents must check and sign the school diaries daily and the proper reason for taking leave should be stated clearly in the leave letter with signature of parent.
  • The parents are expected to attend the open house meetings arranged in the school for the welfare of the children.
  • Taking the child from classes for marriages and other social functions frequently during school days is not recommended, as this will minimize his / her respect for regular hard work with the consequent failure to progress in the studies.
  • Parents can meet the principal on all working days after 3PM.
  • Parents are to avoid making unnecessary remarks about the school / teachers.
  • Strangers should not be sent to school to collect the children. In case anyone other the parents come to collect the children, they should bring an authorization letter from parent.
  • Five days of continuous absence can only be regularized by producing of a medical certificate.
  • In order to develop English communication skills of the students, English is advised as the only medium of communication at the school. The parents too are expected to stress their wards to speak in English.
  • We think parents are correct in many issues. So when you feel deficient service or defective service needing redressal, please contact the Principal.
  • The management reserves it’s a right to request any parent to withdraw the ward from the school.
  • Children watch your behavior at home and therefore always be rolemodels for them. Education begins at home.
  • Extra or remedial classes will be arranged when required.
  • Kindly send your children in the school bus for absolute safety.
  • Class teachers should be informed if your child has any special skills.
  • Good education is the result of a joint effort of school management, teachers and parents. Active cooperation of the parents is therefore earnestly requested.
To Students
  • The students are expected to speak English in the school campus.Boys should come to school with their hair properly cut and girls with long hair should make two plaits.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to the school.
  • Damaging property of school or other students, misbehavior in the school or indulging in malpractices shall be sufficient reason for a student either to be suspended or dismissed from the school.
  • Cleanliness and neatness in dress, body, books and surroundings are expected from all.
  • Be polite, punctual, obliging and helpful.
  • Every student is expected to take an active part in the co-curricular activities and competitions.